regionens dansere
Vi arbeider aktivt med å fremme samarbeid mellom profesjonelle dansekunstnere, pedagoger og amatører. Videre legger vi vekt på kunnskapsoppbygging og forskning innen dansefeltet. Gjennom økt aktivitet og samarbeid med ulike miljøer, institusjoner og kunstnere på regionalt, nasjonalt og internasjonalt nivå, ønsker Dansekraft å øke tilgjengeligheten og engasjementet for dansekunsten.
I år gir Dansekraft flere dansekunstnere muligheten til residensopphold på våre scener. Vi inviterer søknader på alle stadier av et prosjekt og legger til rette for at kunstnerne kan dele sine kreative prosesser gjennom arbeidsvisninger og publikumssamtaler. I tillegg til dette arrangerer vi PRODA-workshops, kunstnermøter og seminarer som en viktig del av vårt program.
Regionale dansere - Vest Norge
VI TILBYR:• Bolig, øvingsstudio og visningslokaler. • Tilgang til teknologisk infrastruktur for kunstnerisk utforskning. • Samarbeid med institusjoner innen kunst og teknologi.
HVEM KAN SØKE:Vi inviterer etablerte kunstnere, nyutdannede og PhD-kandidater som ønsker å utforske skjæringspunktet mellom dans og teknologi.
SØKNADSFRIST:Send inn din søknad innen 10.januar 2025.
SØKNADSKRITERIER:Utvalgsmetoder: Kun søknader som sendes inn før fristen vil bli vurdert. Kun fullt utfylte søknader vil bli vurdert. Søknadene vil bli håndtert av et kvalifisert programmeringsteam. Resultatene fra utvalget vil bli sendt på e-post til alle søkere 31.januar 2025
71BODIES/Daniel MariblancaDance & Performance Company Current performances : A True Story NORMAL 71BODIES 1DANCE Web Email 71BODIES is a transgender inclusive dance and performance company based in Bergen, Norway. Created by Daniel Mariblanca in 2016, the company continues to naturally evolve in a sustainable way whereby one project inspires the other and the next and so on. A core intention of the company is to work with/in communities where the body is at the center of the discussion. 71BODIES is currently touring nationally and internationally with several productions. Get in touch with us to find out more!
ABSENCEBreakdance/physical theatre company Current performances: Circus Absence Norr - Da gudene breaket Oldschool - En battle mot alderdommen Askeladden på nye eventyr Web: Email: Photo: Jarle H. Moe Performance: Circus Absence Dancer: Andreas Roksvåg Award-winning breakdance and physical theatre company with a black belt in entertainment. Absence was founded in 1999 and has specialized in spectacular stage shows and unique physical theater performances. Absence are Norwegian champions in Breaking and is one of the few companies in the world that makes full scale theatre shows based on breakdance, acrobatics and storytelling. They have played nearly two thousand shows since 2011 and are interested in playing more internationally.
Andreas RoksvågBreakdancer Current performances: Mali befaler Amanda uten bremser Houdini Web @andreasroksvaag Email Andreas is a professional breakdancer, based in Bergen, Norway. He started dancing in 1999 and found his niche producing and performing breakdance and physical theatre shows for a broad audience. His artistry is based on breaking, acrobatics, creativity and storytelling. Andreas is currently working as a freelance artist, is a member of Absence and employed in SKUDA. Andreas has won competitions and awards for his work on stage and is available for shows, performances and workshops both domestic and abroad.
Ane Evjen GjøvågDancer and choreographer Current performances: Mali Befaler Amanda uten bremser Email Ane is a professional dancer and choreographer based in Bergen, Norway. Educated at KHiO - Oslo National Academy of the Arts with a bachelor in jazz dance. Ane has worked exclusively as a performing artist since 2007, and in recent years she has been affiliated with Oslo Dance Ensemble, Den Nationale Scene, Bergen National Opera and The Norwegian Opera and Ballet. Additionally she produces and performs professional dance theatre for a young audience and is Artistic Director and choreographer for a youth company in jazz dance, PUR. Ane has been employed at SKUDA since spring 2018.
Ann-Terese AasenChoreographer and director Current performances: Rapture Web Email Ann-Terese Aasen is a Norwegian choreographer and director, with a diverse background, having worked on numerous productions and collaborating with various institutions and artists for nearly 20 years. Ann-Terese has worked with prestigious organizations such as Bergen National Opera, Bergen Philharmonic Orchestra and Den Nationale Scene. In 2021, she produced her first dance performance, Rapture. This powerful church performance challenges the conservative Christian faith regarding homosexuality.
Berit Einemo FrøyslandDancer, choreographer, writer Current performances Blaff Den skamfulle dansen (The shameful dance) Gigant Web Email Berit Einemo Frøysland is a dancer, choreographer and writer. She has been creating her own work for ten years and has worked professionally as a dancer since graduating from the Balettakademien in Stokcholm in 2016. She has lived and worked in Berlin for five years and has created several pieces with her twin sister, Anna Einemo Frøysland. Her artistic interests revolve around the mass and the individual, the flow and freeze of time and interdisciplinary aesthetic practices.